Here are some of the things we've encountered this year, more to follow
Pictures from left to right (then L to R on next row):
1) Ladybird Larva (Beginning of July was very active time for these little critters)
2) Mice were hiding in here....not a suprise really
3) Pretty bad Bed Bug infestation, lots of evidence on site
4) First sign of big wasps nest was influx of Wasps in Attic
5) Active Wasps Nest
6) Mid removal of Nest
7) Stages of Wasp pupation (Left to Right - larva to Adult)
8) Cross section of Cells in a Wasps Nest
9) Nest behind a light fitting
10) Wasp caught foraging and the damage they have done to a bush
11) An old picture of (accidental) mouse evidence,
this shows most of what we look for
and a few more......
and some videos too